Success Stories
Scott Hogue
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Click below for The Marconi Experience
The Marconi Experience
A Young Boy In India Becomes A Wealthy Man
One of the most wealthy people I have met and interviewed is from India. He was an investor in a project I was part of. I asked him to tell me his story of rags to riches and he told me that as a young boy in a poor village he heard stories of people that had left the village and done very well for themselves. As a young boy he decided that one day people would tell stories like that about him.
He worked hard, saved his money and decided to travel. Everywhere he went he looked for ways to do things better for people. To serve them better, to offer solutions to their problems and new options for their lives. As he made money he invested it in property and more businesses. In time his wealth grew and grew.
It started with a dream and a belief. You could truthfully say he believed he could become wealthy, he believed he should become wealthy, he looked for a way to become wealthy and he found it. We always find more of the things that we look for.
He wanted to be wealthy and help others, he looked for a way to do that and he found it. By serving others he served himself.
The wealth business is a people business. Scott Hogue CChH