Dissatisfaction is the basis of all personal action.
Dissatisfaction is the basis of all motivation. We often hear we are motivated by pain and pleasure, that we move away from pain and we move toward pleasure. It is actually a bit more complicated than that. There is another layer to behavior. People stay in painful relationships and from time to time people actually do things that hurt them physically. On the other hand, we all put off doing things at times that would bring us pleasure. We don't eat healthy, lose our excess weight and clean the garage. Wouldn't we be happy if we ate healthy and enjoyed the benefits or lost weight and enjoyed the benefits of being trim or looked at the garage we cleaned and could find the things we were looking for without tripping and knocking things over? In general we do desire to avoid pain, either physical pain or emotional pain and we do seek pleasure, but if you look at people and their behavior very long you will see there is much more going on than the simple pain and pleasure concept of behavior can explain. It has to do with meaning and the satisfaction/dissatisfaction ratio. Have you ever worn shoes that hurt your feet? I am talking about a little and not a lot. Have you ever worn those shoes longer than absolutely necessary? If we are strictly motivated by pain and pleasure why would you wear uncomfortable shoes for a second longer than necessary? The answer is you were probably satisfied to wear the uncomfortable shoes under the circumstances. You thought they looked good or you didn't want to spend money on new shoes or just didn't feel you had the time to shop for new shoes. You attached meaning to the circumstances and when you weighed it all out, you were satisfied to put up with slightly uncomfortable shoes. Satisfaction over ruled a strictly pain and pleasure view of the circumstances. So what is going on here? We aren't acting on just pain alone or pleasure along, we act on the meaning we attach to events and circumstances, then we are either satisfied or dissatisfied. Really become dissatisfied and you really will do something. People stay in bad relationships when they are not dissatisfied enough to get out of them. People that know cigarettes are hurting them keep smoking until they are dissatisfied enough to quit. When you weigh out the meaning of cigarettes to you and the meaning of quitting, you can actually want to quit smoking, but be satisfied to continue. It is that conscious mind/subconscious mind tug of war we often talk about. When people come to me to change their lives I help them change the meaning of things like cigarettes or over eating or being broke to them. I help them become dissatisfied with where they are. Reaching this point psychologists call “passing through threshold,” we more commonly call it “being fed up.” If you can get clear on what things really mean to you and become dissatisfied with where you are, then you can change your life, I mean really get control of it. The clear and simple way of putting this is, “If you want to change your life, become fed up with the things you are putting up with.” Just say no to them. Best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH
Why You Aren't Rich If You Aren't Rich
I wrote a book on this topic based on my years of research and experience working with people. I can't write a book here, but I will cover the big points here. If you are not rich and you have never been rich there is only one real reason. You have not successfully followed a good wealth strategy. That is it. If you tried something and it didn't work, then by definition it wasn't a good wealth strategy. If you quit before you became wealthy, then you didn't follow the strategy, you only started it. If you didn't do anything, well doing nothing isn't an effective success strategy. The next question is why haven't you followed a successful wealth strategy? Maybe you don't want to be wealthy. Maybe you didn't realize you would need such a surprisingly large sum of money to retire or in case you became ill or disabled and couldn't work while needing medical care and money to pay for it. For that matter, if someone you care about becomes ill or disabled. Maybe you didn't know you had to follow a wealth strategy to become wealthy. I have never heard anyone say they taught them they needed a wealth strategy in school. Then here is the big one. Maybe you just can't get yourself to change what you are doing. You really can't get yourself to do anything different. People tell me all of the time that this isn't their reason, as I see it in their every daily action. We actually think we are in control of our lives. We can see the humor in others thinking they are in control of their live when we watch them say one thing and do another, but we can seldom see it in ourselves. Here is why change can be so hard. For the example I ask that you accept you have a subconscious mind without me having to go through all of the hoops to explain what the subconscious mind is and proving you at the very least virtually have one. This is a blog post and not a graduate course, so please just bear with me. So this subconscious mind has a goal seeking mechanism. GSM. It makes a great servant and a terrible master. Most people don't even know that most of their decisions and actions are controlled by this Goal Seeking Mechanism. The really huge problem with that is if you don't set the Goal Seeking Mechanism's goals, then random chance and basic survival programs set it for you. The outcome for this failure to set the Goal Seeking Mechanism is that most of the day your life is run by a virtual three year old. That is the default level the GSM operates at without direction. Could be a two year old, if you have some good habits maybe a four or five year old in some rare cases. Everyone thinks they have the five year old, but it is more likely a two year old that runs or even ruins their life. First, the Goal Seeking Mechanism wants to keep you alive and comfy right now. Since it doesn't understand the future, don't expect it to direct your actions with any reference to the future, like eating the veggies over the cheesecake so you will feel better, look better and live longer in the future, what is the future? Pass over another slice of cheesecake. Next, the Goal Seeking Mechanism is hard wired to think that anything new is dangerous. What you have been doing has kept you alive so far, why change? Staying alive is high on the Goal Seeking Mechanism's list. New is a no-no. New in unknown and dangerous. Pass the cheesecake. Talk to the GSM about money and it says what is money? Warm and Cold I understand. Bitter veggies and sweet deserts I understand. Fear and Happy I understand. What is money? What is the future? I am going to prove all of this to you right here and now. Are you doing everything you know to do to have a healthy body? Are you doing everything you know to do to become wealthy? Are there areas in your life that you know you could do better? If you aren't acting on your knowledge to do all of the things you know that are good for you and will bring you your goals there is only one reason. You aren't acting on your knowledge and conscious decisions, you are acting based on something else, the Goal Seeking Mechanism. Why aren't we doing everything we can to bring us the goals we want? It is because we aren't consciously controlling our actions. Random events and basic, low level programs are mostly setting your Goal Seeking Mechanism. We aren't doing what we know we should be doing because we are surrendering our control to an automatic mechanism in our mind that wants us to be safe, happy and comfortable right now. More knowledge on any subject is useless until you learn to act on the knowledge you already have. I can't cover all of this in a blog post. I have studied it for years and work with people in my office to help them understand and change all of this for them. It is a big topic and a big thing, but I can hit a few high points. To take control of the Goal Seeking Mechanism: 1. Realize you have one and what is going on. Awareness is a first step. You can't fix a problem you don't know you have and understanding what is going on gives you a framework to work with. 2. Write down your goals in plain terms, make them definite. Take money. If you want money you must write down how much, it has to be a number. You have to make a picture of it. The GSM understands pictures. It helps to have pictures on paper to transport images into your mind where the decisions are made. 3. List emotional reasons why you must achieve your goal. Emotion = Motion. No emotion and you will not make any motions toward your goal or few at the best. 4. Repetition is a must. Things will come along many times a day and knock your goals out of the mechanism. You must keep repeating your goals until they stick. 5. Talk to the recorder when the record button is pressed. You wouldn't try to record a message when the recorder is on play or turned off. The GSM is the same. Turn record on when you want to put a message in the GSM. You do that with emotions. Dry and lifeless reading without feeling of your goals is useless. You have to feel it. 6. Let it know the actions you want. You must associate actions with the goals. You can ask someone at the office why they are drinking protein shakes and they can tell you they are drinking the shakes to lose weight. The formula is I am doing this to get that. Write those actions down, why you are doing them and review them as many times as is reasonable daily. Maybe even unreasonable. 7. Find a way to show yourself it is working. I call this making it true, you must find a way to make your goal true, it is really happening on some level. The GSM loves results and the sooner the better. It works on a reward loop. If you want to lose weight, then as you start dieting start graphing your weight loss. That way your GSM can see the results plainly in a line going down the chart. In research people have lost weight by only graphically charting their weight. They had opened up a feedback channel that set and reinforced the GSM for weight loss. 8. I strongly suggest you make your goal a prayer and pray it several times daily. If you want something that you think wouldn't make a good prayer, then you have some conflict in your goal and that needs to be fixed. I know people will say prayer doesn't work and they are not a believer and lots of other things, but I have seen it work time and time again. There are two sides to prayer, the side we see and can understand and the side we don't see and can't understand. We can understand that drug addicts that don't believe within themselves they have what it takes to get off drugs can look to a higher power outside themselves that can offer help above their personal resources and then do things they otherwise couldn't because of self doubt. We can see how prayer reinforces our goals through repetition. On the other hand, there are a lot of things I have seen with prayer that psychology and statistics just won't explain. Prayer really seems to work whether you think it will or you think it won't, but it works better with faith. How do you get faith? One way is to pray for that too. Why aren't you wealthy? Because you haven't followed a successful wealth strategy in an effective manner. Why would anyone find it hard to do that? They might not know they had to. They might not know a successful strategy. Or they just aren't doing the things they must do to bring them their goals because they aren't setting and controlling the Goal Seeking Mechanism. How do you do that? Have you got a week to spare and I will tell you? Never mind, I don't have the week, so I gave you some pointers and you can take it from there with your own research. Best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH Why You Must Use THIS
I am going to show you a problem that most people have and then give you a solution. The solution will be the THIS that I spoke about in the title. Suppose you want to retire some day. Suppose you want to own your life and your time and not have to go to work for eight or more hours a day five or more days a week. Play with your grandchildren, eat breakfast with your spouse, travel and see the world, drink iced tea in the back yard, that sort of thing. Perhaps you become ill or disabled and can't work. So just for fun, let's say you want to retire at some point and not work every day until they call the undertaker for you. This is only an example and I will pick a rather worst case scenario and all the while, remember the financial planners and the investment people have the disclaimer that “Past performance (or in other words history) is no indicator of future performance,” but we really don't have much more to go on and in things like the sun rising in the east and Spring following Winter history has a pretty good track record. Suppose you started to work at the age of 25 in 1975 and 40 years later you wanted to retire in 2015. According to the people that keep records on these things and their best figuring, about $10,579 was the average U. S. household income in 1975. It is hard to find some numbers for 2015 that haven't been tinkered with too much since even the Government has an agenda, but a little searching and pencil work makes it look like about $56,000 was the average or median U. S. household income in 2015. Which means in the last 40 years average income has gone up about 5 times, actually a little more with these numbers. What does this mean? A lot of things, but one thing is, if you were making an average living in 1975 and you wanted to retire on an average income in 2015 you would need something like 5 times the money….every year. Looking back at some prices I see that coffee, sugar, houses, they have gone up about five times in price since 1975 and cars are more like eight. To make it worse, that isn't correcting for the difference in the value of the dollar, which has dropped since 1975. If you correct to 1975 dollars can make even a bigger difference. If in 1975 you put your entire income for a year in a box and said to yourself, “I will live on that when I retire in 40 years” when you open the box 40 years later you will find that year's worth of wages in 1975 will allow you to live at an average income level in 2015 only about two months and two weeks. Five years of 1975 wages put in a box in 1975 will allow you to live only one year in 2015 at the average income level. To make matters worse, almost everyone that figures these things say that wages haven't kept up with inflation, or in other words middle income people in 1975 could buy more of things like food, houses and cars in 1975 than middle income people in 2015 can buy. This is sort of a worst case example and even it ignores a few things, like we have a lot more things to buy these days like cell phones and wide screen televisions that people in 1975 didn't have to budget for, but it should paint a picture for you. On the positive side in this example, if you stayed in the middle class with a middle income, your wages would rise over the years making it easier to put more money into retirement, but that only helps a little when you can't put a year of wages into your retirement fund every year. You have to live on something now. So what is the answer? For many people it is compound returns or compound interest. They say that when Einstein was asked what is the greatest force in the universe he said, “Compound Interest.” Let's run some more numbers. How many years do you expect to be in retirement? If you retire at 65 you could easily live to be 85 and that would be 20 years. You could live to be 100! That would be 35 years. The answer is you don't know how long you will live, so you don't know how long you will be in retirement. The answer to that question is to have a retirement fund that you can draw enough money off of to live and it makes money to replace that and cover inflation. You hear talk about a sustainable world, you need a sustainable retirement fund! There are two things your retirement fund should do. One is grow during your work years at a rate that when you retire you have sufficient funds. The other is continue to earn money to replace what you spend and cover inflation. What would you say about your morning coffee? Do you think it will cost you more when you are 100 than when you retire at say age 65? If history is any factor, then it will cost something like four or five times as much and so will most things. You see, inflation is actually built into our money system. It is just like a new car comes with tires. It is designed right in. Back to compounding. The old example is doubling a penny. Would you rather have a penny doubled every day for 30 days or a million dollars? It turns out that if you double a penny for 30 days you will have more than a million dollars, you will actually have more than 10.7 million dollars. Not many people can write that check if they take the bet. With inflation the power of compounding is working against you, but when you invest in something that earns you money and then put the original amount or principle back into investing along with the amount earned you have compounding working for you. For just one example, this is why investing in houses where the rent pays for them and the house appreciates in value while you reinvest any surplus money has made many people rich. Jim Rohn said he teaches children this. You have one bicycle to ride and one to rent. One home to live in and one then two and then more to make money. Banks just don't pay much in interest, so don't think you can park your money in them and retire. Here is a rule for you to see how long it takes to double your money at a given interest rate or fixed rate of return: Divide the rate of return into 72 for an estimate of the years it will take for your money invested and reinvested to double. This is just a usually close estimate, but financial people use it all of the time when they don't have those fancy calculators at hand. Suppose you want to see how long it would take to double your money investing it at a 9% rate of return. Divide 9 into 72 and you get 8 years which is close enough for most purposes, the exact answer is 8.0432 years. As I am writing this the average CD rate on a five year CD is 0.86% which means you would need over 90 years to double your money and a cup of coffee is likely to have gone up in price by a factor of ten or more by then. Hopefully you have seen the advantage in using compound returns with your retirement funds to build wealth for your retirement. I am not a financial adviser or professional, so what you do with this little discussion is up to you and I strongly suggest, even insist where there is risk involved you must consult with a professional. I can't be responsible for your results if you try to follow these hypothetical examples. When you are enjoying your Iced Tea in retirement, think of me. Best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH I had a breathrough today. I put the following post about it on Facebook.
I don't expect any comments on this one, but feel free. I started studying sort of an esoteric topic about four years ago. My colleagues mostly said it was a dead end, the Greeks probably wrapped it up a few millennia ago, it won't really connect with your work. I tried to explain it to others and they politely nodded their head and changed the subject. But we do what we want to do and usually not what people tell us to do. I stayed with it off and on. This morning I saw Sonya off to work and laid back on the bed to watch the last of a documentary I had started as I ate breakfast and before I set off for the day. I fell asleep for maybe fifteen minutes and when I awoke, I saw how it all connected to what I was doing in my work. I don't have all the details fleshed out, but I do see the connection, have the outline, wrote four pages of notes and sort of have the map that says in big letters, "DIG HERE!" Why did it happen and why now? 1. It was on my mind. I had returned to thinking about it again. 2. I had got up with Sonya and sort of asked myself a question about it. I had set the gears in motion. If you want answers, then ask questions. 3. I let it go. The subconscious mind works in the back ground. You don't have to make any real effort for it to work. You probably don't even know when it works. Let an idea or thought go instead of holding on to it and then it can change, develop, grow, resolve. Hold on to something with all of your might and it can be like sand. The harder you squeeze, the quicker it escapes your grip. Until you back away you can't see the forest for the trees. The connections before were like smoke, I couldn't explain it to people. The harder I tried the more ridiculous it sounded. I let it go and it came back full grown and big as life. Where in life are you stuck? Would you be willing to try thinking about it in depth for a few minutes, maybe even the quarter of an hour, even half an hour and then just let it go? Like film from a camera you drop off at the photo lab, it just might come back fully developed and in clear picture form. Best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH If you were responsible for feeding a hamster, what would you feed it?
Hamster food? Something cheap from a bag? What if you really wanted to live up to your responsibility? Throw in some carrots and greens? What if you knew you would only live as long as the hamster lived? Would you feed it differently than if it was a pet someone didn't want and they pushed it off on you? Would you feed it the cheapest feed you could find or something that had real quality? If the hamster mattered to you, then you would feed it the best feed you could find and you wouldn't be skipping any days feeding it. Why? Because you know what goes in matters. What do you feed you? Does your body matter? If life matters to you then your body should matter. Do you eat the cheapest and lowest quality food you can find or are you careful about what you eat because you know it makes a difference? What about your mind? What do you feed your mind? There is an old computer saying "Garbage in = Garbage out." If the data or information you put in a computer is garbage or worthless, you won't get anything valuable from it as your output. The same is true with your mind. Put the daily feed of pop culture garbage in and you won't be getting any solutions to world problems out. This morning I had a round of the Monday's. With travel and my Churchwork yesterday, it was a long day. I was feeling it this morning. I put on some Jim Rohn, the late and great educator, motivator, teacher and businessman. In no time I was ready to take on the world and wrote two new ad campaigns, made a healthy to do list, entered my work in my journal, enjoyed a light breakfast and made several phone calls. Why? Because I felt like doing it. If I had tuned in early to the doom and gloom news, you probably wouldn't be reading this. Be careful what goes in, it affects what comes out. best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH What is a snowflake? Something that is often too small to even know the outline without magnification. What is a grain of sand? Something so small it takes a number of them in your shoe for you to notice even standing on them.
People make homes from snowflakes. Igloos. Countless small things gathered together that make a home. We have continents made mostly of snowflakes. But who considers a snowflake? The beaches and the deserts are made of sand. In concrete it plays the largest part, it is the purpose of the mix to hold these tiny grains together. Concrete is a word we use for what is real and solid, something that matters and to consider, but it is largely sand, something we discard. What about the little things in your life? Consider them and you will find that the big things in your life are made of little things. Everything matters. Everything is connected. You can't disgard little things and build a good life. A good life is made up of many little things. There are so many things in your life that you overlook that are tools and materials you could build a grand castle of a life, but habit, routine and our society trains us to overlook and disgard them. The resources you have are far greater than the goals you desire. Take a complete inventory. best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH Training Cats, Conditioning and Your Future
Some years ago, decades in fact, I used to visit my uncle and his wife. They didn't have any children at the time, I wasn't even a teenager then and I would like to think as long as I wasn't too aggravating they enjoyed my visits. They had this cat that was a bit neurotic, even for a cat. She wasn't one of those cats that hide in a corner and fret, she worried and fretted in plain view. They fed the cat canned cat food and in that day you had to open the cans with a can opener. They had this loud electric can opener and I soon realized that if they pushed the lever down to open the can, the cat showed up before the can was even opened. She didn't come quietly either, she mewed and meowed and for a cat I would say hollered. She would rub against your legs and ankles and if you delayed she would try to climb your pants leg. If you pushed her back she circled in the floor and fretted. So I got this idea. Every time I came over to visit, I could just walk in, my grandparents lived across the yard, but every time I walked in the back door I would press the can opener lever and let it growl. No matter where she was, that cat came running and would put on quite a show until they fed her. Her human parents said, “Please don't do that.” They had to stop whatever they were doing and feed the cat. Well, I didn't stop. I started experimenting. I would try to see how little of a bump I could give the can opener and how short and soft of a sound I could create and the cat would still come. If I heard it, the cat heard it. My aunt and uncle might not hear it, but the cat did. Later I realized that when it came because I bumped the can opener it acted a little different then when they ran it and opened a can of cat food. It was like she knew I wasn't going to feed her, but she had to come anyway and was just internally disrupted and conflicted over it. Almost like she was saying, “Why do I do this? I know he isn't going to feed me and I am going to have to raise a real ruckus to get my owners to come in here to really feed me.” Here is where I got interested in psychology. My uncle had taken psychology in college and said the cat's behavior was simple conditioning. Can opener sound associated with being fed. She expected to be fed. In time I was convinced that when the cat saw me it didn't expect to be fed. Not every time I bumped the can opener did the cat get any food, sometimes they were in the yard or for some reason just didn't feed her. I could bump the can opener, the cat would come into the kitchen, see me, realize I was the only one there, hesitate, then go and circle around where she was normally fed halfheartedly meowing and then go back to whatever she was doing before. I can imagine her thinking, “I don't know why I do this...” So what has this got to do with you and me? We are often like the cat. We get trained, conditioned to do something and just keep on doing it when we know better. Want to lose weight? Then cut back on your calories and eat healthy. But most people won't, they are conditioned to do otherwise. They eat the cheesecake and think, “I don't know why I do this…” We know we have to change what we are doing to get different results, but we just keep on doing “it” whatever “it” is in this case. We are fooling ourselves. Bob Proctor has an interesting saying he quotes from someone that told him the saying and made him puzzle over it. “Nothing changes until something changes.” It sounds silly to begin with, sort of like it won't rain until it rains. There is a deeper meaning in it though. It means to change what you get you have to change what you do and to change what you are doing, you have to change, because you are doing right now exactly what the present you would do. Change is an inside job. Change is not fooling yourself any more. Change is looking at what you want, backing up and seeing what you would have to do to have it, then backing up again and seeing what you would have to change about you to actually do it. Then making that internal change first. There is a book titled “Primary Domino Thinking” by Anthony Dallmann-Jones PhD that is based on this principle. It is a bit hard to work through, but the basic premise is life is like a row of dominoes. You line up a row of dominoes and then knock over the first one and the rest will topple until you get to the last domino and it falls. You think the necessary internal thought that changes you based on your goal and just like the dominoes every step necessary to bring you to your goal will occur. The thought that started this and set it all in motion he calls the Primary Domino Thought. In the book he covers some other things, like owning things in your life, accepting what you can change and what you can't, it is a bit zen and new age, but it had a dramatic affect on my life when it came out. So, where are you conditioned to act in a way that you know is useless and not bringing you your goals? You do have written goals don't you? How can you own your life and results and take back control by thinking and maintaining your Primary Domino Thought? My wife got up late and just came in and asked if I wanted breakfast. I have already had a light breakfast, but I do want to eat one of her good breakfasts. Or do I? I might want to eat a second breakfast and not gain weight, but really that isn't an option, so I guess by holding the question up to the light of my goal and intention, I really don't want another breakfast. I will just have some tea and visit at the table. Best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH Don’t think that Artificial Intelligence is affecting your life? Think Again!
Have you been fired in the last two year or so? Did you work for a company that employs fifty or more people and you were only one person in a bigger layoff? If so a computer running a logarithm may have picked you for the pink slip. Have you shopped at store lately and they were out of what you wanted? Chances are about fifty-fifty a computer predicted the demand incorrectly and you missed out. Sit at a traffic light in a major city for a ridiculous amount of time? Probably not just traffic congestion, it might be network congestion between you and the traffic light controler. Did you apply for a job using a resume? Many companies are usng software with intelligent choices to thin the resumes and if you don’t have the magic words that fit the program a human will never see your application or that beautiful resume you spent days creating. Are you on social media or do you use a search engine? You probably aren’t seeing what your friends are. A form of AI / Artificial Intelligence may pick what you see based on the data it has collected on you. If you are in a major city any 911 call you may make could be routed by AI to make calls and responses more efficient. Unfortunately it isn’t perfect. And you thought AI and the robots were just after your job. We all need to be more aware of what AI is doing now and how it affects us and I didn’t even mention the smart killing machines governments are pouring billions into. Best and be blest, Scott Hogue CCh Well, the new year is here and so are the annual new year price increases. I went to buy grated cheese and saw it was up about 10%. Eggs were up where I usually shop. Bread was up too on certain loaves. You see it everywhere. Happens every year.
Let me tell you why we will always have inflation and rising prices and what you can do to keep it to a minimum. Our money and economic system has inflation built right into it. The federal reserve makes money out of thin air to feed a fractional reserve money system. I can't explain that in detail here, but there are plenty of videos on Youtube that explain it and will probably make you mad, It may take a while for you to get mad, at first you will probably not be able to believe it and take it seriously. Next we have taxes and taxes are inflationary. When you have taxes you can't exchange value for value, you must exchange value for value plus taxes. With taxes you are always paying more than what your purchase is worth in free market dollars. Here is an example. My neighbor raises vegetables to sell investing his time, labor and materials, such as seed, fertilizer and water. He boxes up what he considers $10 worth by figuring his expenses and adding a fair and correct amount for his labor. So far so good. Unfortunately I can't exchange $10 in money value for $10 in vegetable value, he has to add tax. With tax I am always paying more than the value of what I get. That isn't bad enough, this creates a demand throughout the system for higher wages, so people can buy things and pay the tax. There are a lot of effects it creates as it ripples through the system. None are good. Not for you and me at least. So as long as we operate like we do you will see inflation and higher prices, but how much and how fast they rise is variable and in part depends on you. There is a program they used to call CREEP, but that name was too creepy I guess, so they call it several other things now. Here is how it works. The program takes items a store sells and raises the prices just a bit. Most people don't notice or really care if things are a few cents higher and the volume of sales remains the same. Then a little later, the program raises the prices again. It keeps doing this over time until the sales volume goes down. See why they called it CREEP? It creeped up the prices. When the volume goes down, then the program rolls the price back and the store puts up a sign that there is a price roll back on this item. People see the notice and buy again. Unfortunately, it seldom goes back as low as it started. It is actually a program created to make you pay more and create more inflation. How nice. Recently a large chain gas station in my area closed a station for remodeling. The prices in the area went up after that, while prices on gas in other areas went down. I asked a station manager that I know if that other gas station would have to reopen for us to see lower prices in the area. He said, "Oh, you picked up on that. We price our gas based on our sales goals. If we aren't selling enough to hit our volume goals we lower prices and if we are selling more, we raise prices." I had heard about the same from other gas station managers when I was in the car wash business. So what can you do when prices go up? Buy somewhere or something else, that is what. These companies and governments can't survive without the consumer. In my business I see a lot of price increases "fail." Years ago the prices on candy bars went up a big jump, but the big three manufacturers didn't stick together. One needed more sales to maintain their business, so they dropped prices and the others rolled back soon after that. It happens a lot with food and commodities, but other things too. When you stop buying when the price goes up, the people making the product have an incentive to find ways to cut their expenses. They may go to their suppliers of raw materials or to the people that transport their products and ask for price reductions, just like you did when you stopped buying at the higher price. They may invent a better way to make the product or use some innovation to change the market and shake up prices. Think of CD's and mp3 players for example. I mentioned insurance some posts back. This year my insurance company decided they needed an extra $50 or so of my money. No new coverage, no claims, no reason as far as I was concerned. I was ready for them. For a year now I have been reorganizing my affairs so I could go with another insurance company and fit their under writing profile. They will provide more coverage for about $460 less a year and since I won't be paying that extra $50, I will be saving over $500 a year compared to just habitually writing checks to the same company and saying, "Oh well, everything is going up these days." $500 buys a lot of milk for the grandchildren. The rich still look for value for their money, because that thinking is what made them rich! We all depend on you and each other. Take the grated cheese for example, if you and the others pay more now, we will be paying more forever. I will be getting mine somewhere else. I actually feel like it is my duty as a responsible citizen. best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH It is now Offically 2017. That will take some getting used to. Whatever you were waiting for the New Year to do, you can do that now. Lose Weight, Make More Money, Start Working With A Life Coach, Quit Smoking, Relax More and Enjoy Life, Whatever.
But why do we wait? Why do we wait for a New Year, Monday Morning, Next Month, When School is out or The Spring, The Summer, The Fall or The Winter to do something? If we plan on doing something is it because we believe in some way it holds benefits for us. Why wait for benefits? We have a saying in the South, "I am FIXING to do that." We FIX to do things. It would be better for all of us if we just did the good things and left off the FIXING and WAITING part. This year be Pro-Active. Don't wait until you have to do something, do it now and enjoy the benefits. Why wait for a heartattack to quit smoking? Why wait until you need knee replacement to lose weight? Do it now, because now is the only time we really have. Best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH |
AuthorScott Hogue is a Strategic Life Coach, an Author and a Certified Christian Hypnotist. Archives
September 2017
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