![]() I will probably get some bad responses on this one, but I call them like I see them. I just read a news article where a man celebrated working for McDonald's for 59 years. Not a manager, not an owner, just worked at McDonald's for 59 years. With all of the bad news in the world, that may have struck me as the saddest. My daughter, while working in another fast food restaurant became an X ray tech in about two years. In just less than three more years she has added several certificates and abilities to her list and is now a clinical coordinator. She is in such demand she has to turn down work to get a little rest and see her family. She will never have to drop fries in the fryer, car hop in the wet and cold or ask if you want to supersize that again. I have a friend that took a job as an insurance salesman, got all the training he could get and in just over two years became a territorial United State rep for a foreign pharmaceutical company and is making a very, very nice salary with bonuses and benefits, including health and retirement packages. I am working with a man that in about 18 months and starting from scratch made a six figure income internet business and after several more years is now doing quite well for himself and his family. He could just work a few hours a week and keep it going or sell it to another individual or company, but in either case he and his family need never worry about money. When I lost my job unexpectedly after moving here and buying a house with a mortgage I was paying all of my bills from the vending company I started and in less than three months. I was reading where a best selling novel was written on a cell phone "Deep Love" and it sold over 2.6 million copies. The author wrote it on his cell phone over a few months as he rode the bus to work and home. What could this man have done with his life instead of clean a McDonald's? Tolstoy wrote the first draft of "War and Peace" in just over a year, The question is not just what could he have done, but what will he do? What kind of retirement do you get from McDonald's? The answer is a working retirement and if you are working you aren't retired at all. Pretty sad. So what are you doing with your life? Best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH
![]() There are only two practical reasons people don't buy from you. Here they are: 1. They don't want what you are selling. and 2. They don't want what you are selling. Let's look at that. One of the ideas common sales training teaches is that people don't buy things they don't need. In fact you often see "No Need" on a list of sales objections. Do people really buy only things they need? Do people really need a sports car, a widescreen television and the latest Iphone? You know they really don't "need" them, but those markets still prosper, even during recessions. The old example is people with cats don't buy dog food, but my wife has. She is a super shopper and when dog food is on sale and she has coupons, she is going to buy dog food for the neighbor's dog. She surely doesn't need dog food and our cat doesn't need dog food, but she wants it and she buys it. Want beats need every time. What about money? People don't buy if they don't have the money do they? Twenty years ago when I bought this house I am living and working in I didn't have all of the money so I took out a loan. I hear a lot of people have home mortgages. How many Iphones are paid for with cash and how many are on some payment plan? People buy things they can't afford every day. It happens every day in every town and city in America and most of the world. The real reason people don't buy from you when you offer your product or service to them is they don't want it. At least not enough to trouble over it. Like all equations there are two sides to this. You can work on making them want your product or service. or You can offer something they already have a strong desire for. Something they really want. Of course it doesn't hurt to do both. With this insight, look over your business. What are you doing to help your prospect want your product or service? Where can you do more? Are you talking a lot about features or are you promoting real benefits to your prospect? Do you have any testimonies of people happy with your products? Do you work on eliminating the reasons they don't want your products? Do you need a product or service that is simply in more demand? This is one of those key areas where a little work and probably not much money invested can pay back significantly to your bottom line. Best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH ![]() I was listening to the radio in the car today and realized the advertiser new this technique. They were selling an internet business bundle with television and phone. So what technique were they using that can easily double your sales when added? They were using the excuse method. You first must give your prospect a reason to buy, the television part of the bundle, the sports games, the holiday shows, you know, reasons to want the service. Then you must give your prospect an excuse to buy. After the details on the television and all the wonderful channels, the commercial said something like, "Give your business the edge through faster business internet." I have worked with a a lot of companies and I have to say I haven't seen one that the answer to their financial problems was they only needed a faster internet connection. To maximize sales you must first give your prospects a reason to buy and then an excuse to buy. Some reason they can justify making the purchase. You may want the internet business package for the extra channels and all the neat features, but you can justify it by saying it will give your business an edge through the faster internet connection. Take upscale car sales. Leather seats, a sound system better than you have at home, Zero to sixty in less time that it takes to change stations on the radio. Multiple heating and cooling zones to ensure your comfort and that of your passengers. You want the car because it is cool. A smart salesperson will tell you it got the best safety rating in its class. That will be the excuse you can use to buy it. It you aren't giving your clients excuses for buying from you, then you can easily double your sales when you hit on the right ones. Best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH ![]() I look at online offers and just about any offer or advertising that comes along. I have a few market test email addresses I use for those purposes and I buy this and that to see what people are up to. I try to keep up with the best ideas and use them with my clients. Recently I got an offer from a marketer for a free book if I just payed the shipping. I have done this before and got some nice hardback books and a few pretty nice paperback books. I am actually thinking of doing an offer like this and the chance came along at a good time for me, so I ordered. I went to the mailbox today on the way to town and in the mail I saw a large, but thin envelope. I wondered what it was. It was the "Book." About twenty sheets, slick back and front with a few words on the front and not even a barcode on the back. I open it and it is double spaced with a lot of room between the lines of print. Oh, and the margins at the top and bottom of the pages are wide borders of empty space. I haven't read it yet, just thumbed through it. Of course it might have some really interesting and useful information, but it is packaged poorly. There is an old classic advertisement that shows a pile of potato chips on a table, not even in a plate, just on the table and beside it there is a bag of chips with a nice picture on the front. In big letters the question "Which Would You Buy?" was at the top of the picture and "Packaging Is Everything!" was at the bottom. I came home and this gentleman had an email in my inbox wanting me to buy his latest program. What do you think I was thinking? I wondered if he put as much effort into it as he did the cover and packing of the information in the book was what I was thinking. If I ordered his material would it come in such a small stack it would slide under the door? The take away here is Do You Deliver? Does your delivery live up to your sales offer and hype? I don't feel this man's delivery did. It looks pretty sick beside of the hardcover books about three quarters of an inch thick that I got in similar "Pay the Shipping" offers. Now everything I see or hear from him will be framed by my not so hot experience with his book. Your first exposure to a new client or prospect is extremely important. Try to over deliver and at least deliver. Under deliver and you are cold toast. To your great success, Scott Hogue CChH ![]() I am going to give you the 30,000 foot view on why people buy things and looking at it this way can change your life and business. One of my favorite Dr. Wayne Dyer quotes is this: When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. That is what this is about. All products are bought because of a gap. There is a gap between where a person is in their experience of life and where they want to be. So a person that buys a drill, buys a drill because there is a gap between what they are experiencing in life and the life experience they desire. Few people buy a drill because they actually want a drill for the experience of owning a drill, they buy the drill because they believe having a hole will move them closer to the experience they desire in life. So look at it like this: Where your customer is -----------------------> Where your customer wants to be If you can position your product or service where it will move your customer or prospect from where they are to closer to where they want to be, they will want your product. The closer to their desired destination your product can move them, the more they will want the product. The better they understand how it will move them to where they want to be the more they will want the product. Not too low and not too high, but the more fair they think the price is the more they will want the product. Too low and they will doubt the value, that it will really work. Too high and they will think it is over priced and no on wants to be taken in a business deal or purchase. This moving to cross the gap concept is so important for many reasons, but one reason is that you can spend a fortune on advertising trying to sell your product and still not see much success. On the other hand, instead of selling your product you can position it where people will want to buy it and you will save much of the advertising expense, be able to price it for better profits, have a more consistent business and enjoy the benefits of dealing with buyers instead of trying to convince people and make a sale. When you understand this, everything changes. Enjoy your day, Scott Hogue CChH I have been all around this great big world and worked with people from just about every country and many tribes. I am convinced that no matter who you are or where you live, most of your limitations are self limitations.
Jim Rohn said he struggled and struggled in life, making progress and then losing it all again until he figured out what was holding him back and then he took off like a rocket. What was holding him back? His personal limiting beliefs and limiting ideas. What do you believe about you? Do you believe you can have the things you want? Have you ever thought about how hard it is to have something you don't believe you can have? People that don't believe they can get the job don't usually fill out the application. People that don't believe they can get the date, seldom ask for a date. If you are familiar with my training and teaching you know I tell about the woman that sold her disease to make a living, a man in Africa that went from living in a hut without a door to owning five businesses, about Helen Keller, a woman that became blind and deaf early in childhood, but changed the world and even donated to charity. I use the examples of these people and many more to show what is possible if we only believe, try and keep putting one foot in front of the other everyday as we march toward our goal. Try the Keller method. When someone asked Helen Keller how she accomplished the things she had done she said this, "I knew what I wanted and would not be denied." Wishing you a great day and a great life, Scott Hogue CChH Here is a quick question I used to transform companies and departments in those companies when I worked for Fortune 500 companies. Now I use it to transform lives and relationships.
Here it is: "Things would be better around here if ______________." and fill in the blank. That is it. We often are caught up just getting by and getting through, we don't often think about getting better. A little thought and a little action on this will make big changes. Do this once a week over a year and you will have made about 50 changes in your life. Do you know what 50 positive changes make? They make a totally better life. You could really call it a new life! best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH ANTS, in this case, are Automatic Negative Thoughts or ANT's
and like the six legged kind we find them everywhere. Six legged ants have been found in the Arctic and even in space craft, Automatic Negative Thoughts have been found everywhere humans are found, even in the Olympics, boardrooms and battlefields. Dr. Daniel Amen has done a lot of good work in this field. Here are some highlights: Automatic Negative Thoughts (Which as a hypnotist I would say come from the Critical Mind) lead to depression, anxiety, low performance and low self esteem. When left to run free they create negative thought patterns that are self sustaining and harmful. Question them and challenge them and even if they don't go away they have little effect. You can say, "Oh, that is just a negative thought, not reality." Here is what he says about ANTs: "You don't have to believe every stupid thought you have." We often are in the habit of believing our thoughts. Well, we don't have to if they are stupid. He also teaches the 18, 40, 60 rule. When you are 18 you worry about what everyone thinks about you. Peer pressure, opposite sex, etc. When you are 40 you don't care what anyone things about you. Tired of living your life based on what others think. Too busy and tired to bend yourself into a pretzel to satisfy others. Actually rebelling against the expectations of others after years of living in a box. When you are 60 you realize no one has ever been thinking about you, they are too busy thinking about themselves and worrying about what they think others are thinking about them. Clean out some ANTS today and the ones that keep coming back, well they are just ANTS, not anything real. Remember that. Scott Hogue CChH “There's always going to be someone who doesn't have excuses and who will just do it. Why not let that be you?"
Issa Rae How many times have you said, "They stole my idea, I thought of that years ago!" Good thoughts are not rare. You probably have a litter of them everyday. Following through on good thoughts, well that is rare. Start today and take one of your good thoughts and follow through on it. Do it daily and in a short time you will have a very different life. To your greatest success, Scott Hogue CChH Here is a big announcement. I have started a Free Financial Course here on the website. You don't even have to enter your email. Three lessons are up now with more to follow soon.
Here are a few reasons I am doing this: One of the problems with the Financial Help Industry and Financial Services is we commonly pay for things like training and help and if you need financial help you aren't likely to have the money to pay for it. The ones that need it most can't get it. Many people are so skeptical now that someone is interested in helping them or that they can even be helped they hesitate to buy training or other products. With so much hype these days, who can blame them? With a free course I am proving my interest in you and showing you this is real. You can do this and change your life. I just want to give back. It has been a long time since the people that helped me on this path taught me about money and life. They are gone now and I can't pay them back, but I can pay it forward. Check it out, the free course is on a tab in the webpages. Wishing you the greatest success, Scott Hogue CChH |
AuthorScott Hogue is a Strategic Life Coach, an Author and a Certified Christian Hypnotist. Archives
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