I am convinced that a great amount of success comes from realizing we have nothing to lose.
Ask someone for a date? They weren't going out with you to begin with. If they say no you are just where you started. Actually better off because you can mark them off your list and move on to someone or something that will work out for you. Apply for a job? You don't have it now. So what if they say no? We talk about rejection, but what really is rejection? It is usually when we take someone's choice in a practical matter and say to ourselves it is a choice that has to do with our person. In other words WE make it personal. Still for that to matter, we have to say it has to do with us and the person that is rejecting us is right. Even if we believe their choice whether to buy encyclopedias from us or magazine subscriptions or whatever is all about us, we have to believe they are right for it to affect us emotionally. So go for the things you want in 2017, but don't yet have. You can't be any worse off if you don't decide other people know your true value better than you do! best, Scott Hogue CChH
If you have been hanging around for a while you know I am a Life Coach and not just any old Life Coach, but a Strategic Life Coach and a Certified Christian Hypnotist. So what does that mean? Today it means I can change your life with a sheet of paper.
Just about anyone can do this that can follow instructions and make a small commitment, but humans aren't that good at following through with things and especially after they are socially programed to move on to the next thing every five minutes. That is why we need coaches and hypnotists to get us to achieve our goals. Still, if you will do this exercise, you will be amazed by the positive change in your life. So here we go: 1. Get a sheet of paper and it is best if it has lines on it like a notebook sheet. 2. On the back of the page write down what you want to change in your life. Lose Weight, Quit Smoking, Make More Money, Change Careers, Buy a New Car, Have Better Relationships, whatever, don't hold back. If you pick a goal that doesn't mean much to you, then you won't have much motivation. Just don't pick a goal that you think right off is impossible. We tend to limit ourselves and what we can achieve based on our beliefs about us and our lives. 3. Look at your goal. Get familiar with it. Think about it. Now come up with the actions you would need to take to achieve it. These will fall into two areas: one, figure out what you have to do to achieve your goal and two, doing those things you now know you must do. 4. Turn the page over and right your goal in the form of a to do list item. Here is an example. Goal on back of page: Lose 20 pounds in three months or less and run a half marathon. So what would it take to do that? Eat fewer calories, eat healthier foods and get in some marathon training time, keeping records of your progress and actions so you can make adjustments as needed. Turn the page over and write across the top: TO DO LIST This to do list has only one item. Eat 78 fewer calories a day than I burn, make my meals and snacks natural and healthy, get some marathon training and practice every day. You could look at this as several things to do, but it works better if you just lump it all together as “my goal to do.” That way if you don't do it all in a day, it doesn't count. 5. Starting at the left of the page below this to do statement, number the left of four columns you will make from 1 to 15. 1. 2. 3. and so on. 6. Number the next column from 16 to 30, the next from 31 to 45 and the last from 46 to 60. In other words, divide the page into four columns and number them from 1 to 60 with fifteen numbers in each column. 7. Everyday you get up and look at the back of the page at your goal. You turn it over and look at your to do list. You do those things that day and check off the corresponding number. After sixty days of doing this you have a real habit and have made some dramatic changes. Just think how far you could walk if you just walked a few blocks a day for a year. It adds up. You can baby step your way to success. It is like the old joke where the doctor told grandma to walk a mile a day. We got a card from her last week and she is in Albuquerque. The picture was nice. Most people won't follow through on this. Most people have dropped their New Year's resolutions by January 15th. That is why I have a job and my phone keeps ringing. I have to pull out more tricks for a lot of my clients, but this one will work if you follow through. Best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH Sometimes the obvious is not so obvious. Things tend to hide in plain sight. Don't you love it when you are struggling with something and someone just walks up and pushes a button or flips the thing over and makes it work?
Yesterday I told you the two things I had to do to make you wealthy, but what do you have to do? I said I have to teach you what to do and get you to do it. I also said the doing part is by far the hard part. I spend most of my time teaching people how to get themselves to do things. So it should be obvious that you have to learn what to do and then just do it. Just do it, I think I have heard that before somewhere. Have a just do it day! Scott Hogue CChH A short one today. What I have to do to make you wealthy.
It is only two things. That is right two or 2 or II or one more than one, two. 1. Teach you what to do to become wealthy. 2. Get you to do it. Believe me, the second one is a lot harder than the first one. That is why when I teach the three steps to wealth I start with the information and exercises on how to make and break habits, to set goals and follow through and to manage your subconscious mind. In the Three Steps to Wealth there are three steps: 1. Get the information. 2. Learn the information. 3. Apply the information. I have already gathered the information so that leaves only two things to do. Helps you deal with overwhelm when it is put this way, right? I mean, you can handle two. best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH Symptoms or Solutions?
As we near the ending of the year, we often think about the new year and what it will be like. New Year's resolutions are popular to make and easy to break. Most of us want a better New Year. Progress is pretty satisfying. We want progress, but what can we do beyond the common, but often unsuccessful New Year's resolutions to make next year a better year? Change your focus. Let's start with an example. We pretty much all understand the medical model for creating change in the world. To be fair about it, the medical model didn't used to be so bad. It could be pretty good in fact if the focus was back where it should be. You go to a doctor and complain of acid indigestion and an occasional tummy ache. The doctor may not even ask you what you eat and you go out with a prescription for an acid preventing stomach pill. I heard a comedian say that you eat things you shouldn't eat and the doctor gives you a pill so you can continue to eat the things you shouldn't eat, isn't that malpractice? No, it is modern Western medicine. The medical model is the medicine model. There is a pill for everything. The focus is often on the symptoms and not the solution. I have seen people save and cut back their spending all the way to bankruptcy. Their problem wasn't they were spending too much money, it was they didn't have enough coming in. They focused on the symptom instead of the problem. Suppose you have a rock in your shoe and it hurts your foot. Do you keep taking pain medicine or do something about the problem, that you have a rock in your shoe? You might say, “I don't have time to stop and take off my shoe, then my sock, then shake it out and make sure my shoe is empty, the put it all back on again. It is faster to take a pain pill. You might see the silliness in that example, but we all do things just as silly in real life. I have seen people that said marriage counseling is too expensive find out what expensive really is at divorce court. Make a list of your problems for the next year. What is bugging you? Where are you wasting time and effort? What things would make a difference in your life if you could really change them? Think about the big three areas and the fourth one that affects them all. Health Wealth Relationships And your spiritual life and outlook that lets you look at things with a long term view and a healthy perspective. Put the problems on paper. Now, how are you dealing with those problems? Are you working on the symptoms or the solution of those problems? The children here have come and gone and now the grandchildren are coming, seems like more every year. Grilled cheese sandwiches and kettle cooked carrots are big around here these days. Our kitchen was never really organized. We put two families together and she had a toaster and I had a toaster and we had all of these pots and pans that didn't match. Duplicates and mismatches. We got new cookware and the problem got worse. No where to put things and time wasted trying to find it. One day I made a rack for our new cookware to hang on the wall by the refrigerator. It is the sort of thing you have to make. I know you can buy racks, but to fit the spot and hold exactly what we wanted I had to make it. It took some of my spare time over a few days, but I got it done. I can't believe the difference. No more looking for pots and pans on your knees in the lower cupboard. No more dirty dishes sitting around because you are just so disorganized. It changed the whole kitchen process. A place for everything and everything in its place. I have got back the time I put in making the thing a hundred times. Finances, Relationships, Health, look at these areas and see where you need to spend some time and effort to save you some time and effort. No one has the time to exercise, but they have to take the time for the heart surgery or the insulin shots or the kidney dialysis. Why not spend a little time now and save the suffering? Work on the cause of the problems in your life and don't waste your time chasing symptoms. I want you to be a problem solver, instead of a problem manager. Best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH We hear a lot about networking and how important your friend-group is, here is an article I wrote on Relationships and Money some time ago. I think you will find it still applies.
Click below How To Make Money Through Relationships best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH Starting With HumorI thought I might make this more like a newsletter today with a few sections. Humor is good for us, helps us be healthy and happy. Here is some true humor. I was at a Christmas dinner last night and the lady that sat across from me said, "I told my daughter I wasn't getting any younger and she said, Don't worry mom, you can come live with me when you need help and a place to live, but you will have to wash dishes...." It turns out that getting her daughter to wash dishes was always a battle when she was growing up. One Of My Greatest ToolsOne of my greatest tools for helping people to make dramatic and positive changes in their lives is cause and effect. We live in a world where everything that happens is the result of the events leading up to it. Drop a brick on your foot and your foot hurts. The pain is the effect of the cause, which was dropping a brick on your foot. Please be more careful next time.
You are getting what you are getting because you are doing what you are doing and not doing the things you are not doing. In other words, what you do and fail to do matter. Take your weight. Actually, your health in general, but let's focus on your weight. Your weight is the result of what you have done concerning weight over the last year or two, certainly the last six months. Over eat and you are over weight. Eat less and you lose weight. Now let's back up another step in the process, we have results, then we backed up to actions, the next step back is thought. Your actions concerning your weight are the result of your thoughts about food and the things that affect your weight. You could correctly say that your weight is a print out of your thoughts about weight that you have had in the past. Think that cheesecake looks good, I will have a slice and that gives you one result. Think I need to lose weight, I really must lose weight, I will start skipping deserts and start eating smaller portions and that has a different affect. Where I come in is there is often a disconnect between goals and actions. We are not shown in life how to deal with our subconscious thinking. When our goals and subconscious thoughts are not in alignment it is a lot like a tug of war played out in our lives. Now take money and finances. Your checkbook is a print out of what you have been thiking about money over the last months and years. If you had different thoughts about money and finance, you would have had different results. The reason so many people repeat the same mistakes and have the same problems over and over again is we set goals with the conscious mind, but our habits and many of our actions come from the thoughts or programs in the subconscious mind. Learn to manage your subconscious mind and get it over to your conscious way of thinking and you can change not only your life, but the world. Get to know your subconscious mind. When you act in a way that is not in alignment with your goals, then ask yourself why? Get a book or two on the subject and even consider taking me up on a coaching trial. best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH ATT did an update to many Android phones lately. If your text messages are coming in out of sequence or the correct order, then go to Settings, System, Date and time and make sure your Automatic date and time setting is on. It seems the update turned it off for a lot of people. I was holding my phone upside down trying to figure this one out.
This may not be strictly a money message but, You have to be able to get your messages while you are making your fortune. Merry Christmas, Scott Hogue CChH It Really Ain't Me.
If you have followed me for some time you know I explain how it doesn't take long to teach people how to become wealthy or at least improve their finances. If you are good at taking notes I can do it over a nice dinner. You would know what to do or at least enough to create a good action plan to follow. The problem is with that action plan. It takes action. We all have a subconscious mind. If you are conscious, you also have a subconscious mind and there are even some things that point to you having a subconscious mind even if you are never conscious, but simply are alive. The subconscious mind really runs and sometimes ruins our lives. It ain't me that ate that cheesecake, it was my subconscious mind, it was the other guy or gal that did it. Reminds me of Flip Wilson, the comedian of the 70's that was always saying, “The Devil made me do it!” Realizing you have a subconscious mind and trying to get it to go along with your goals, like losing weight, exercising, stopping smoking or whatever you want to change is a lot like being married. Marriage or at least serious dating. You are going to spend a lot of time trying to get your significant other to do what you want them to do. How do you get someone you are married to, to actually do what you want them to do? Several things come to mind. Nagging, which is actually repetition. Logical arguments, which is changing the meaning of things, which I do in sessions for smokers, weight loss clients and a lot of others. That cheesecake long term is not going to be a positive experience. Trading, which I do with smokers, addiction and other clients. Think of me as a marriage counselor for you and your subconscious mind. Coaching is big too. In marriage we might call it counseling. There are actually changes that occur in your brain when you are in a good coaching session. It creates new activity. You become more mindful of what you are doing and the consequences of your action. Sort of a more whole brain you. A happy relationship or marriage between you and your subconscious mind. This is the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH Millennials are just different animals. A lot of businesses haven't figured that out. There are two main reasons that Sears is going bankrupt and the second one wouldn't matter too much if they fixed the first one with a bang.
Problem One Imagine two Millennials meet up for lunch on a Saturday. They are sitting over their meals at a table and strike up a conversation. Millennial One, “So, what have you been doing today?” Millennial Two, “I just got back from a trip to the Apple/Iphone Store.” Do we have a conversation here? Sure we do. Houston, we have a conversation, the launch was successful. These Millennials are even on their Iphones while they are having this conversation or at least some brand of smart phone. We have relevance, connection, interest, curiosity, we have a conversation in a bag or box just busting at the seams to come out. Back up and reset the scene. Now we try it again. Millennial One, “So, what have you been up to today?” Millennial Two, “I went to Sears this morning.” Do we have a conversation here? Not much of one if any. The next line if there is one, they could just go back to their phones and eating, but if there is a next line it might be one of the following: 1. Sears? 2. What is Sears? 3. I just sent you a photo. 4. I just posted us on Facebook. 5. Have you seen what “The current media star” just posted on Snapchat? 6. Oh, I need to go to the Apple store. Here is problem number one: Sears isn't cool. They aren't current. They aren't part of the social conversation. They are largely an unknown to this new generation. They are not on the map. They would be all of the above and more if they were cool. Apple is cool, not as cool as when Steve Jobs was alive, but it is cooler than Sears by a light year or two. Maybe a billion dollars or two, even three when you compare the profit/loss statements. Sears doesn't have Kim Kardashian, they don't have Paris Hilton, they don't have Yogi the Bear even. A dead Steve Jobs is better than no one at Sears. You can talk about Apple and Steve Jobs, but you don't have anyone on social media to talk about if you were to talk about Sears. Problem Two Why would you go to Sears? You have to have a reason to go somewhere and do something, what is the reason that takes you to Sears? Take cost. Does Sears have the lowest prices? In people's minds Walmart, Dollar General, Dollar Tree, Amazon, Ebay, Somewhere else on the internet, these are the people and places with the lowest prices. If Sears did have the lowest price on something they would have a hard time getting people to believe it. So saving money or getting the lowest price is no reason to go to Sears. What about selection? Do they carry it and is it in stock? Sears does have a large line of products, but unfortunately, it is more of a little of everything than a good selection of whatever you are looking for. Specialty stores and the internet have the best selection for most shopping events. I don't know anyone that goes shopping for tires, casserole bowls, pants and perfume all in the same trip with list in hand, but if you do, you are more likely to go to Walmart. So selection is no reason to go to Sears. What about atmosphere? Well, they have oxygen in the air, but that is about it. They don't have reading areas, coffee shops in the store or places to charge your tablet or Iphone. They aren't Starbucks. They aren't Millenial friendly. Convenience? Convenience is the cell phone in your hand and the Amazon app. It is the Itunes store. We had a record Cyber Monday this year and Amazon was a big winner. Sears was so far down the list the business news I heard didn't even report on their market share of Cyber Monday. Management has a big problem at Sears too. They have been more worried about Wall Street than Main Street. More about the stock holders than the customers. Take care of the customers and the stock will take care of itself. You can't drive looking in the rear view mirror all of the time. Sears has withstood Two World Wars and the Great Depression, but it isn't surviving old style business management. I could keep going here, but you get the idea. There isn't much of a reason to go to Sears. I think that is sad because my parents used to shop at Sears when I was a child. There were good reasons back then. There isn't even much of a reason to talk about Sears, if they weren't in the news for going broke we wouldn't be talking about them here. The problem is that Sears is just figuring that out. I am not sure they understand the problem still. They are looking to sell off Craftsman, Kenmore and Die Hard, the brand names that people do identify with Sears. When Sears gets rid of Sears merchandise, what are they going to sell? Sears isn't even in the Sears Tower anymore. They lost almost three quarters of a billion dollars last quarter. $9.8 billion since 2011. They could have launched thousands of start-ups with that money, but they couldn't save Sears. What can you use to your advantage from the Sears lesson? Is your business or your identity cool? Do people have a reason to interact with you? Best and be blest, Scott Hogue CChH Sources for this post include Bloomberg and CNN wire. All trademarks and company names belong to their respective owners. Copyright 2016, Scott Hogue and Three Steps To Wealth All Rights Reserved. |
AuthorScott Hogue is a Strategic Life Coach, an Author and a Certified Christian Hypnotist. Archives
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